RE-BELT Sac banane L | noir


Matériaux et caractéristiques | Sacs à bandoulière RE-BELT

detail of three ucycled seatbelts pieces stitched side by side onto a backing fabric, as done on all bags and pouches from the RE-BELT collection by eKodoKi, shown here in their black variant

ceintures de sécurité upcyclées

detail of the reverse coil zipper from the RE-BELT sling bags from the brand eKodoKi, shown here in their silver variant

fermeture à glissière inversée

close-up detail of the zipper-puller from the RE-BELT sling bags from the brand eKodoKi, shown here in their black variant

curseur et tirette en inox

close-up detail of the stainless steel D-ring used for the assembly of the strap on the RE-BELT sling bags from the brand eKodoKi

anneau en inox

detail of the golden yellow, responsibly produced, fabric used as lining for all bags and pouches collection from the RE-BELT collection by eKodoKi

doublure responsable

detail of a locked 2 inch airplane seatbelt buckle, in its black variant, used as strap adjustment on the RE-BELT sling bags by eKodoKi in their black variant

boucle d'avion en aluminium
